Buchan Central By-Election

Picture of Reform UK (SCOTLAND)


It is time for Reform

Final Results for Central Buchan

AffiliationNumber of First Preference Votes% of Vote Share
Scottish Conservative and Unionist126041.3%
Scottish National Party86928.5%
Scottish Liberal Democrats43514.3%
Reform UK33110.9%
Scottish Family Party832.7%
Scottish Independance Party712.3%

Central Buchan By-Election

7 November 2024

Andrew Curwen

I am your Reform candidate for Buchan Central By-election which is being held on the 7th November 2024.

My name is Andrew Curwen,  I’m 53 years old, born in Peterhead and raised and educated in Aberdeen.  I now live in Aberdeenshire where I work as a coach driver.

I am a Gordon Highlanders veteran and a member of the  Gordon Highlanders Association Drums and Pipes as the bands Drum Major.

As a Veteran I feel it is very important to help our Veterans in our community giving them access to the resources they need and require.

I am also against the proposed building of more windfarms in our community and I support the scrapping of net zero.


Vote for Andrew Curwen on 7 November 2024

Scotland Needs Reform

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