Arran By-Election Front Page of Leaflet
Picture of Reform UK (SCOTLAND)


It is time for Reform

My name is Carole Thomson. I am Scottish born and bred but worked for many years in Germany where I married and had children. I was a state registered nurse and worked within the German healthcare service before taking early retirement and returning to Scotland to live in Ardrossan.

I have always had a keen interest in local affairs and local policy prompting me to offer myself to public service. I have a keen interest in Arran and the intention of relocating to the island soon.

If elected, I will work to represent the population on and off the island, attending events and holding regular workshops to provide the linkage to local government on the mainland representing the interests of Arran within North Ayrshire Council and presenting the island to external interests.

I regard living off the island as an advantage. I can perform the role of external representative. Local services (Roads, healthcare, transport, superfast wi-fi) are of particular interest to me along with attraction of tourism and investment to the island with a focus on developing opportunities for young people. I will also support agriculture on the island and lobby for the regeneration of food production.

In times of limited local authority budgets, I will present the case for a fair share of resources to the island, given the higher costs of living on Arran and the disadvantages placed on us by an unreliable ferry service.

Scotland Needs Reform

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