Ward 06 - Cromarty Firth, Highland Council

26 September 2024

Kim Hanning Jackson Profile Pic
Vote for Kim Hanning Jackson.
  Vote for Reform UK.

I’m a mother of four and a full-time NHS doctor specialising in gastroenterology and liver disease, serving at Raigmore Hospital, Lawson Memorial, and Caithness General.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, I helped deliver transformative change within the NHS, cutting through bureaucracy and overcoming resistance to deliver rapid improvements. I know firsthand the frustration of dealing with red tape, inefficiency and lack of common sense.

As a doctor, I don’t just treat symptoms. I listen to people’s life stories, real world difficulties and understand their struggles within their local communities. I don’t want to just sit and listen… I want to stand up for local families and fight for real, common-sense solutions that matter to our community.

Highland Council is the worst performing local authority in Scotland, while East Renfrewshire is the best. The findings are part of a Sunday Times analysis in July 2024, which looked at public services across the country.

Reform UK’s ‘CONTRACT WITH YOU’ has fully costed policies which make absolute common sense. Policies like slashing government waste and driving our economy forward with light touch, low tax government!https://reformuk.scot/


I pledge to tackle POSTCODE INEQUALITIES – Crossing the Cromarty Firth shouldn’t mean we settle for less.


I stand for MORE OPPORTUNITIES for all ages. We cannot allow our young or old to be bored, lonely and not thriving. Let’s create better prospects and help our communities thrive!


 I stand for MORE FUNDING for local health and social care, including better support for neurodiversity, mental health, and addiction services.


I stand for MORE INVESTMENT in our roads and public services to support local communities. Tourism boosts our economy, but we shouldn’t have to bear the brunt. Let’s strengthen our infrastructure to benefit everyone!

Scotland Needs Reform