Dumfriesshire Clydesdale and Tweeddale Constituency

PPC – David Kirkwood

Email:  [email protected]

Phone No:  0741 802 5972

Facebook:  david.kirkwood.msc

Twitter / X:  @dakppc

LinkedIn:  david.kirkwood.msc


Who am I?

I’m an engineer. Born within the sound of lions roaring in Baillieston, my home has always been in Lanarkshire or Dumfriesshire, although I have lived in several parts of England, Wales, Luxembourg and Sweden for extended periods.
Now happily married with two grown girls, my working started at the age of nine as a lathe operator in our family machine shop and I have been working in small businesses or self-employed ever since. For most of the past 30 years I have been a freelance consultant working in IT and this has allowed me to help over 40 different companies in many industries including the Civil Service, the NHS, banking, insurance, pharmaceuticals and manufacturing.
My only previous experience in formal politics was as the successful election agent for an independent council candidate in South Lanarkshire.

Why am I standing as the Reform Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale?

I got involved with Reform UK Scotland because of fear, fury and frustration – fear of what our country was becoming, fury that it was happening, and frustration that nobody seemed to be doing anything about it. Well, I am now, and I hope that you will help me.
I live in Moffat – right in the centre of the constituency. I have nearly always lived in rural areas and I’m well aware of their challenges. In recent years we’ve seen the loss of police stations and a reduction in public transport. The increases in energy costs caused by the mad Net Zero policies have damaged our farming industry.
There is a drastic need for affordable housing and jobs to help young people remain in the rural areas in which they grew up. Reform UK Scotland’s small business policies will encourage new entrepreneurs to help regenerate our local economies.


Dumfriesshire Clydesdale and Tweeddale Constituency Map

New constituency boundary is highlighted in dark green

Dumfriesshire Clydesdale and Tweeddale Constituency Information

Electorate: 70,255


  • Tweeddale West
  • Tweeddale East
  • Mid and Upper Nithsdale
  • Lochar
  • Annandale South
  • Annandale North
  • Annandale East and Eskdale
  • Clydesdale East
  • Clydesdale South