Nursery (3-4 years)

  • is not to prime children for formal learning, but to develop their personalities, confidence and social
  • may incidentally convey some formal learning such as basic reading or arithmetic
  • not intended to be simply a babysitting or childcare service for working parents
  • will prepare the children for the start of their formal learning life

Primary (5-11 years, P1-P7)

  • will take youngsters who are confident in themselves and are able to relate well to other children
  • will equip them with skills in reading, writing, numbers, thinking and citizenship
  • provide a wide range of experiences and train these young minds to be curious and confident
  • they will leave this stage with the ability to learn more specialist information
  • soft skills such as music, visual art, researching, conversation and sport will be very important
  • pupils should leave primary with at least some skill on a musical instrument
  • no qualifications will be awarded from primary
  • there will be no “graduations”

Secondary (11-13 years, S1-S3)

  • S1-S3 will be common to every student and there will be no specialisation until S4.
  • a mix of practical, vocational and academic tuition will be available
  • basic skills such as cooking and simple DIY will be taught
  • tuition will be streamed where beneficial, stretching the able and supporting the weak

Secondary (14-17 years, S4-S6)

  • S4-S6 will be the time of increasing specialisation and expertise, but there will remain a common curriculum of music, physical activity and citizenship
  • a mix of practical, vocational and academic tuition will be available
  • the SQA will be abolished and Scottish schools will adopt appropriate international standards
  • school leaving age will remain at 16 but secondary school education will be offered for 6 years or until the age of 18, whichever is later

Secondary (11-17 years, S1-S6)

  • the stage when pupils gain the widest range of knowledge to carry them through their lives
  • at their most receptive to new experiences
  • equip young people with the experiences, skills and confidence to make the next steps into a productive and engaging life of their own choosing

Continuing (life-long)

  • support will be given to third party and voluntary organisations such as the Workers’ Educational
    Association, to allow interested learners to continue their education at times and in locations that suit their life circumstances
  • night classes during the winter months at secondary schools, colleges and universities will be revived


  • education vouchers will be available to allow parental choice
  • vouchers will be able to support properly qualified home schooling
  • funding of higher education will be reformed and student maintenance grants will be available (if