Whitburn and Blackburn By-Election Vote for David McLennan on 14 November 2024

Picture of Reform UK (SCOTLAND)


It is time for Reform

David McLennan Profile Picture
My name is David McLennan and I was born in Edinburgh 64 years ago. I am now semi-retired and live in West Calder with my wife Fiona.

I had never been involved in any major capacity with any of the main political parties, believing that politicians were a special kind of animal to be observed from afar with their strange language of GDP and VAT.

I come from a working class background. My dad was a Cooper (making beer barrels) and I must have been dropped on my head as

a baby, as I qualified for a bursary to a fee-paying school, Trinity Academy, in Edinburgh when I was 12.

This was the first time I became truly aware of an upper class, but I soon discovered that even the terribly nice kids were into T-Rex and Slade…

I left school at 16 due to family circumstances. I initially worked in the Civil Service before joining the Police in 1979 (the movement, not the band!), where I quickly gained a broad perspective on life.

Subsequently, I navigated various career paths, becoming a property management business owner, an estate agent, and a mortgage broker. I had a fairly large portfolio of flats at one time – 17 – but soon Government regulation forced me to dispose of many.

One of the main reasons for deciding to enter politics is the sheer unfairness and intolerance the SNP/Green fiasco was visiting upon landlords. And so, I joined Reform UK to fight back. Reform UK also talks so much common sense in so many areas that affect every day folk. I viewed their Contract as a breath of political fresh air.

I look forward to serving you as I would wish to be served.

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