Picture of Reform UK (SCOTLAND)


It is time for Reform

Ian Thomas profile pictureI have lived and worked for over 35 years as an Estate Manager, farmer and forester. I’ve run my own small business close to Strathallan for 24 years and I am a Chartered Forester and a Chartered Environmentalist specialising in forest planning and creating new woodlands across the UK. It is a rewarding job. The quality of life I have enjoyed in this area was made possible by the strength of the rural community in which my own family has thrived, but I now feel that the fabric of rural society across Scotland and the whole of the UK is unravelling.

Why I am asking the voters in Strathallan to vote Reform UK in this Local Council Election

The Strathallan Ward in Perth & Kinross is a beautiful part of the world and to visitors passing through it seems far removed from the severe problems facing the UK. The unfortunate reality is that many of the UK’s problems are also our problem here in Strathallan, and this is made worse by the obsessive centralisation of successive Governments which removes any real control over all our lives whether as individuals, families or communities. Reform UK believes in giving you back control over your lives to as local a level as possible.

Reform UK stands for protecting our basic human freedoms including freedom of speech, proportional representation and decentralisation of power. This is in marked contrast to the other major parties in the UK. I believe that the system can only be changed from the bottom up and that this Council election is an opportunity for the voters in the Strahallan Ward to help in a small way to begin the process of reform that is urgently needed.

Local issues such a providing public toilets, repairing the roads, trimming the verges and balancing the provision of affordable homes with retaining precious green spaces in towns are just some of the many issues with a direct bearing on the quality of our everyday lives. Listening to your views on these and other issues and then doing something about it is how we can collectively start improving our lives from the bottom up and taking change of our futures.

Things must change for the better in the UK, but this will only happen if we the voters take charge of our own destiny at every level, and this is why I am asking you to vote Reform UK and to be part of a real force for real change.

Scotland Needs Reform

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